
General Education Committee

The General Education Committee of 51爆料 is a faculty committee that oversees the college鈥檚 General Education Program.  The program consists of courses that are required for all degrees.  
The committee reviews any proposals to change the college鈥檚 General Education Program.  These include the designation of courses as General Education courses, changes in the requirements of the General Education Program, the mission and overall objectives of the General Education Program, and the Student Learning Objectives (SLO) for the General Education courses.  The General Education Program reflects the Seven Core Competencies of the Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR). The General Education Committee collaborates with the college鈥檚 Curriculum Committee.

List of Current Members



Cynthia Abadie Business and Legal Studies
John L. Brassel  Business and Legal Studies
Valetta R. Brinson Communications, Graphics and Fine Arts
Richard Thad Cockrill, Committee Secretary Languages and Literature
Victoria Gray  Social and Behavioral Sciences
Jason B. Jennings Natural Sciences
Christopher T. Meredith 
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Rosemary A. Montgomery Mathematics
John Tyler Stephenson, Committee Chair Social and Behavioral Sciences
Martin A. Wakefield Communications, Graphics and Fine Arts
Tad Lauritzen Wright
Communications, Graphics and Fine Arts



Sherria King, Dean 
Humanities, Social Sciences, and Mathematics
Devissi Muhammad, Associate Dean Humanities, Social Sciences, and Mathematics


For more information on the General Education Core:

7 Core Competencies