EEO/Title IX/Section 504/ADA
Southwest does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, national origin, age, or disability. This policy extends to employment by, admission to, or educational opportunities and benefits provided by the college. Inquiries concerning EEO, Title IX, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 should be directed to the VP of People and Culture. For specific information on services for students with disabilities, refer to that section. Southwest Tennessee Community College is an equal opportunity college. It is committed to the education of a non-racially identifiable student body. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Executive Director of Equity & Compliance, 737 Union Avenue, Memphis, TN 38103, 901-333-5005.
Site Disclaimer
The course offerings and requirements of 51爆料 are continually under examination and revision. This website presents the offerings and requirements in effect at the time of publication of the current College catalog, but is no guarantee that they will not be changed or revoked. However, adequate and reasonable notice will be given to students affected by any changes. This website is not intended to state contractual terms and does not constitute a contract between the student and 51爆料.
51爆料 reserves the right to make changes as required in course offerings, curricula, academic policies and other rules and regulations affecting students to be effective whenever determined by the institution. These changes will govern current and formerly enrolled students. Enrollment of all students is subject to these conditions.
51爆料 provides the opportunity for students to increase their knowledge by providing programs of instruction in the various disciplines and programs through faculty who, in the opinion of 51爆料 are qualified for teaching at the college-level. The acquisition and retention of knowledge by any student is, however, contingent upon the student's desire and ability to learn and his or her application of appropriate study techniques to any course or program. Thus, 51爆料 must necessarily limit representation of student preparedness in any field of study to that competency demonstrated at that specific point in time at which appropriate academic measurements were taken to certify course or program completion.
In compliance with the 51爆料 has appointed Michael Boyd [email:], Executive Director of Information Technology Services, as the College's agent to receive notification of claimed infringement from a copyright owner.
Contact Us
- Main Operator
- 901-333-5000
- Toll-free
- 1-877-717-7822
- Macon Cove Campus
- 5983 Macon Cove
Memphis, TN 38134 - 901-333-5000
- Maxine A. Smith Center
- 8800 East Shelby Drive
Memphis, TN 38125 - 901-333-6005
- Somerville at UT-Martin
- 214 Lakeview Road
Somerville, Tennessee 38068 - Southwest Phone:
- 901-333-6200
- UT Martin Reception:
- 901-465-7313
- Union Avenue Campus
- 737 Union Avenue
Memphis, TN 38103 - 901-333-5000
- Whitehaven Center
- 1234 Finley Road
Memphis, TN 38116 - 901-333-6450