
Contact Us

Contact Us

Contact Us

You can contact the main operator at 901-333-5000 or toll-free at 877-717-7822.

Our main mailing address is:

P.O. Box 780
Memphis, TN 38101-0780

Contact the Admissions Department at 901-333-5924 or admissions@southwest.tn.edu. You can also fax them at: 901-333-4473 [Macon Cove] / 901-333-5630 [Union Avenue]. Upload admissions documents at the .

Contact the bookstore at 901-333-4227 [Macon Cove] or 901-333-5452 [Union Avenue].

Contact Police Services/Public Safety at 901-333-4242/5555 or police@southwest.tn.edu. You can also fax them at 901-333-4443 [Macon Cove] / 901-333-5742 [Union Avenue].

Contact the Cashier's Office at 901-333-5292 or bursar@southwest.tn.edu. You can also fax them at 901-333-4384 [Macon Cove] / 901-333-5598 [Union Avenue].

Contact the Financial Aid office at 901-333-5960 or financialaid@southwest.tn.edu. You can also fax them at 901-333-4345 [Macon Cove] / 901-333-5544 [Union Avenue].

Contact Communications, Marketing, and Community Relations at 901-333-4024/4116 or cm@southwest.tn.edu. You can also fax them at 901-333-4503.

Contact the Records Office at 901-333-5924 or admissions@southwest.tn.edu. You can also fax them at 901-333-4473 [Macon Cove] / 901-333-5630 [Union Avenue].

Find Information about college programs and campus visits. Contact the Recruitment Office at 901-333-4399/5510 or recruitment@southwest.tn.edu. You can Request Information, or Schedule a Campus Visit.

For information about student activities, clubs and student orientation, contact Student Development at 901-333-4178/5380 or studentdevelopment@southwest.tn.edu.

Contact the Student Help Desk at 901-333-HELP (4357). You can put in a or an . For questions or comments about the college website, or to report Web accessibility issues, please email the webmaster@southwest.tn.edu.

Contact Testing at 901-333-4170 or testing@southwest.tn.edu.
Blue Campus

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