
From the Interim Vice President



Student Affairs

Welcome to 51爆料 where we are committed to your success inside and outside of the classroom.  From admission to commencement and beyond: We are here for you. We provide service and support throughout your journey at Southwest. We process your financial aid and provide academic advising and tutoring. We even offer mental health counseling and social support services. When you choose Southwest, you immediately become a member of the family. When you graduate, you become an esteemed alumnus who will make us all proud to have played a small role in your significant academic journey at Southwest.

I invite you to bookmark this page to serve as a handy resource to help you explore the services and support we have carefully crafted and diligently deliver to you along your path to success. Uncover such gems as our Career Services and Veterans Services centers. Connect with our Center for Access where our advocates champion and facilitate equal access to college services and environments for students with documented disabilities. Discover dozens of student clubs and organizations where you can exercise your creativity, hone your social skills, make lifelong friends and grow into the leader you were born to be.

If you need help, come here. If you need to connect with leadership, this is the place. Looking to engage more deeply into campus life? This is an excellent place to start!

To those parents who have entrusted their college-bound loved ones to our care: thank you for your vote of confidence. We share your hopes and dreams of success and it is our goal to never let you down. Please do not hesitate to let me know what we are doing well and where we can improve our service in any way.

Go, Saluqis!

Lee Jones,
Interim Vice President for Student Affairs

What we're about

Student Affairs Mission: The Division of Student Affairs advances the mission and strategic plan of the College by providing innovative, comprehensive co-curricular programs, experiences, and essential support services that promote the holistic growth and development of students and empowers them to actualize their educational goals.

Core Values:






Quality & Excellence


Student Success


Contact Us

Blue Campus

We're ready for you. Are you ready to take the next step and reimagine your future at Southwest?