
Career Fairs

Next Event: Fall Career & Job Info Fair - date and location to be determined

Employers, Find Your Next Great Employee!

Thank you for your interest in Southwest Career Fairs! During the events (typically held each Spring and Fall), you can meet with students and alumni from a variety of Southwest academic programs interested in putting their new skills and ideas to work! To receive registration information prior to our next event, please email careerservices@southwest.tn.edu with “Add Me To The Career Fair Contact List” in the subject line. 

To maximize your recruiting experience, we’ve put together the following employer tips:

On-Campus Events:
  • Bring your most eye-catching and interesting display (if you don't have a company tablecloth, one will be provided for you)
  • If you have current openings, bring handouts with job descriptions and application instructions
  • Be prepared to answer questions from students who are trying to make wise career choices who may be new to the job market
  • Consider bringing candy or small promotional items (pens, highlighters, etc.) to help job seekers remember your brand
  • Wear comfortable shoes and a name tag, and bring your business cards
Virtual Events:
  • List your current job openings in Handshake prior to the Career Fair at: /career-services/jobsubmissions-ft.php 
  • Consider setting up both group (30 min) and individual (10-min) recruiting sessions during the event
  • Log on before the event to familiarize yourself with the Handshake platform; reach out to Career Services for assistance
  • Have your company logo visible so that job seekers can quickly identify your organization…and reinforce your brand!
  • Engage job seekers and be prepared to answer questions from students trying to make wise career choices 
  • Have a short company video to introduce your company that you can replay throughout the event as needed

Note: No matter the format, showcase the best your organization offers and highlight exactly why new hires should want to grow with your company!


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