

Tuition includes $185.00 per credit hour for In-State Students, a Technology Access Fee of $18 per credit hour (not to exceed $116), a Program Service Fee of $20 per term, a Student Activity Fee of $15 per term and Intenational Education Fee of $15 per term.

In-State Fees

In-State Fees
Semester Hours Maintenance Fees Tech Fees *Other Fees Total Fees
1 $185.00 $18.00 $50.00 $253.00
2 370.00 36.00 50.00 456.00
3 555.00 54.00 50.00 659.00
4 740.00 72.00 50.00 862.00
5 925.00 90.00 50.00 1,065.00
6 1,110.00 108.00 50.00 1,268.00
7 1,295.00 116.00 50.00 1,461.00
8 1,480.00 116.00 50.00 1,646.00
9 1,665.00 116.00 50.00 1,831.00
10 1,850.00 116.00 50.00 2,016.00
11 2,035.00 116.00 50.00 2,201.00
12 2,220.00 116.00 50.00 2,386.00
13 2,260.00 116.00 50.00 2,426.00
14 2,300.00 116.00 50.00 2,466.00
15 2,340.00 116.00 50.00 2,506.00


In-State Fees – Dual Enrollment

In-State Fees - Dual Enrollment
Semester Hours Maintenance Fees *Other Fees Total Fees
1 $185.00 $9.25 $194.25
2 370.00 18.50 388.50
3 555.00 27.75 582.75
4 740.00 37.00 777.00
5 925.00 46.25 971.25
6 1,110.00 55.50 1,165.50
7 1,295 64.75 1,359.75
8 1,480 74.00 1,554.00
9 1,665 83.25 1,748.25
10 1,850 92.50 1,942.50
11 2,035 101.75 2,136.75
12 2,220 111.00 2,331.00
13 2,260 113.00 2,373.00
14 2,300 115.00 2,415.00
15 2,340 117.00 2,457.00

A $40 Maintenance Fee will be assessed for each hour over 12 credit hours. 

Nursing and Allied Health students will be charged a $25 per credit hour program fee.

NOTE:   International  students attending 51±¬ÁÏ for the first time must pay a one-time $30 application fee (non-refundable) before the application will be processed.

*OTHER FEES include Program Service/$20, Student Activity/$15, International Education/$15.

Dual Enrollment students:  OTHER FEES also include Dual Enrollment Fee.

Tuition includes $726.00 per credit hour for Out-Of-State Students, a Technology Access Fee of $18 per credit hour (not to exceed $116), a Program Service Fee of $20 per term, a Student Activity Fee of $15 per term and Intenational Education Fee of $15 per term.

Out-Of-State Fees

Out-Of-State Fees
Semester Hours Maint. Fees/Out-of-State Tech Fees * Other Fees Total Fees
1 $726.00 $18.00 $50.00 $794.00
2 1,452.00 36.00 50.00 1,538.00
3 2,178.00 54.00 50.00 2,282.00
4 2,904.00 72.00 50.00 3,026.00
5 3,630.00 90.00 50.00 3,770.00
6 4,356.00 108.00 50.00 4,514.00
7 5,082.00 116.00 50.00 5,248.00
8 5,808.00 116.00 50.00 5,974.00
9 6,534.00 116.00 50.00 6,700.00
10 7,260.00 116.00 50.00 7,426.00
11 7,986.00 116.00 50.00 8,152.00
12 8,712.00 116.00 50.00 8,878.00
13 8,860.00 116.00 50.00 9,026.00
14 9,008.00 116.00 50.00 9,174.00
15 9,156.00 116.00 50.00 9,322.00

A $148 Maintenance/Out-Of-State Fee charge will be assessed for each hour over 12 credit hours.

Nursing and Allied Health students will be charged a $25 per credit hour program fee.

NOTE:   International  students attending 51±¬ÁÏ for the first time must pay a one-time $30 application fee (non-refundable) before the application willbe processed

*OTHER FEES include Program Service/$20, Student Activity/$15, International Education/$15.
Dual Enrollment students:  OTHER FEES also include Dual Enrollment Fee.

Tuition includes (per credit hour) $185 for In-State Students; $726 for Out-Of-State Students; $88 (**E-Rate) Out-Of-State Fees and an Online Fee of $74 per credit hour.  Students must be enrolled in ALL Online Classes to be assessed the reduced **E-Rate fees.

TN eCAMPUS Online Fees
Semester Hours* Online
Erate Erate
1 74.00 327.00 88.00 341.00
2 148.00 604.00 176.00 632.00
3 222.00 881.00 264.00 923.00
4 296.00 1,158.00 352.00 1,214.00
5 370.00 1,435.00 440.00 1,505.00
6 444.00 1,712.00 528.00 1,796.00
7 518.00 1,979.00 616.00 2,077.00
8 592.00 2,238.00 704.00 2,350.00
9 666.00 2,497.00 792.00 2,623.00
10 740.00 2,756.00 880.00 2,896.00
11 814.00 3,015.00 968.00 3,169.00
12 888.00 3,274.00 1,056.00 3,442.00
13 962.00 3,388.00 1,144.00 3,570.00
14 1,036.00 3,502.00 1,232.00 3,698.00
15 1,110.00 3,616.00 1,320.00 3,825.66

Note: International Students must pay a on time $30 application/processimg fee (non-refundable) before the application will be processed.

* Regents Online Degree Program fees are assessed per credit hour with no maximum limit. These fees are in addition to fees assessed for any regular credit classes.

** (**E-Rate) Reduced Out-Of-State fees for students enrolled in all Online Classes only.

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