
Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to frequently asked questions are below. If you don't see your question listed, feel free to submit it to us using the "Submit a Question" feature at the bottom of the list. We will provide an answer promptly! 

  • Students, faculty and staff need a valid Southwest Identification (ID) Card.
  • The greater community needs two forms of identification verifying your current address.
  • Participants from a partner borrowing college will need a valid college identification card.

Log in top the online library orientation page with the following credentials username is "library.student" and password is "librarystudent"

Community Cards are for those who are not students or employees at Southwest. Community Cards are free and require two (2) forms of ID and address verification to be issued. The Community Card includes the ability to check-out a total of three (3) items and use a computer during designated periods.

Yes, there is a 3-hour use in the library only, and a one time registration at the laptop checkout page. A Southwest Identification (ID) Card is required.

Overdue materials must be returned, complete a Student Appeals form and fines paid in full.

Pre-arrange this request with staff at the Public Service desk or request a title via online catalog. Materials are transported between the InfoNet libraries.

Login to My Record in . The barcode number is located on the Southwest Identification (ID) Card or renew online.

Use elvis as the password.

Fines and fees are paid in the Cashier's Office.

Materials borrowed from a Southwest InfoNet library can be returned at another Southwest InfoNet library conveniently located near you.

View the current hours at /library/hours.php

The libraries operate on a reduced schedule when classes are not in session.

The majority of the books are loaned for twenty-eight (28) days.

No, reference books are used in the library only.

Items may be renewed once.

For book or journal/magazine article copies, submit an interlibrary loan request. A two weeks advance notice is required.

Use Ref Chatter under Ask a Librarian, assistance is not guaranteed but we may respond to an email after hours

Meeting Rooms - Faculty and staff should ask their department Coordinator to submit the request which will come directly to us. If you are unsure who to contact, we will direct you to the appropriate person for assistance. 
Study Rooms – Study rooms are for current students only. Students can book a group study room in person, by telephone, via text or chat while we are online or self-registration via our online catalog. Staff assistance may be required for self-booking. Your Southwest ID is required to check out the room key upon arrival, fines are accessed for returning the key late. 

Use Report a Problem under Ask a Librarian

Submit the Materials Request form for consideration.

Up to 10 items may be checked out.

Students, faculty and staff will be authenticated with their Southwest username and password.

Librarians are embedded in the online classes (working outside of the library) to assist the faculty and students enrolled in online classes by answering questions and assisting with faculty research needs.

The cost to make prints from the computer is $.05 per page. 

Looking for Southwest books, try our online catalog or our Discovery Service  
Use to search for items at other libraries
Looking for articles, eBooks or streaming media, use our Databases

Short for web seminar is a live online session or class hosted by a Southwest Librarian

Contact Us

  • Bert Bornblum Library (Macon Cove Campus)
  • 901-333-4706
  • Jess Parrish Library (Union Avenue Campus)
  • 901-333-4706
  • Maxine A. Smith Center Library
  • 901-333-4706
  • Whitehaven Center Library
  • 901-333-4706
Blue Campus

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