

Need help with editing your writing assignment? Southwest’s library services have a solution. Grammarly is a popular online writing app that is free to Southwest students and faculty.

Grammarly is an easy to use grammar and spelling assistant. It suggests spelling, grammar and style changes in real time. It also gives you customized checks for different document types, a plagiarism filter and a function to help expand vocabulary.

How does Grammarly work? The app checks your writing against its database of content and style errors. Then, it underlines critical spelling and grammar mistakes in red and style errors in yellow. If you hover the cursor over any marked mistake, Grammarly brings up details about the error and gives the option to correct.

Grammarly also sends you weekly reviews of your writing activity and provides you with a list of your common errors. No spell-check or grammar program is perfect. But, Grammarly is far more detailed than the built-in grammar checkers of Google Docs and Microsoft Office 365.

To sign-up for a Grammarly Premium account

  • Delete the free version account if you have one
  • Click on the Grammarly.com icon above
  • Register with your Southwest email address
  • Check your email to complete the verification process


If you have problems, Ask a Librarian for help.


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Contact Us

  • Bert Bornblum Library (Macon Cove Campus)
  • 901-333-4706
  • Jess Parrish Library (Union Avenue Campus)
  • 901-333-4706
  • Maxine A. Smith Center Library
  • 901-333-4706
  • Whitehaven Center Library
  • 901-333-4706