Tennessee Promise (TN Promise)
Tennessee Promise (TN Promise)
TN Promise might help you get your college education without paying tuition.
Tennessee Promise is both a scholarship and a mentoring program. It is focused on increasing the number of students that attend college in our state. It provides students a last-dollar scholarship. This means the scholarship will cover tuition and fees not covered by the Pell grant, the HOPE scholarship or state student assistance funds.
The Tennessee Promise scholarship helps remove the financial burden of attending college. Another critical component is the guidance each participant receives from a mentor who helps the student navigate the college admissions process. In addition, every student who takes part in Tennessee Promise must complete eight hours of community service each semester they are enrolled, as well as maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA at their institution.
High school seniors must apply for the Tennessee Promise scholarship by November 1 of their senior year.
Tennessee Promise does not cover the cost of books, attendance fees or fees associated with a specific program or class. It does cover mandatory fees that are charged to all Southwest students: technology access, program service, student activity and international education. Students will be personally responsible for access codes, program fees, late fees and TN eCampus fees.
For current Tennessee high school seniors to take part in the program, they must meet these requirements and deadlines:
- Apply for Tennessee Promise by November 1 at
- Complete the and apply for admission to Southwest. For 2021-2022, complete by February 1, 2021.
- Attend first mandatory meeting coordinated by your partnering organization.
- Attend second mandatory meeting coordinated by your partnering organization.
- Upon receiving your admissions letter, log into the . Then, view and complete all financial aid student requirements. Failure to submit all financial aid requirements will result in the delay or loss of the TN Promise Scholarship.
For current Southwest TN Promise students to maintain their Promise scholarship, they must meet these requirements and deadlines:
- Maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA
- Complete and report eight hours of community service by the .
- Complete the between October 1 and February 1.
- Continue to review and submit/complete financial aid requirements as requested in the by selecting the student dashboard tab.
- Enroll in a minimum 12 or more credit hours each semester.
- Do not drop below 12 credit hours without first consulting your advisor. Failure to maintain 12 credit hours will likely result in the loss of your Tennessee Promise scholarship.
Note: The TN Promise can also cover the cost of a student's summer classes; however, a student must complete and report eight (8) hours of community service by April 1 each year. Students must also be enrolled full-time during the summer term in order to receive Tennessee Promise funds for the summer semester.
Contact Us
- Recruitment Office
- 901-333-4399
- Financial Aid Office
- 901-333-5960