Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Below are frequently asked questions submitted by students to the Academic Support Center.
You may consult the schedule and make an appointment in . You may also call the ASC and ask if a tutor will be available in the subject where you need help. Tutors for specific subjects may only be available at certain times. See our website for various locations and phone numbers.
No. All tutoring services are free to currently enrolled students at Southwest.
No. ASC tutors only provide tutoring in Southwest courses. However, if you are taking a TN eCampus course and Southwest is your designated home institution, you may receive tutoring help for the TN eCampus course.
Announcement: The Regents Online Degree Program (RODP) and Regents Online Campus Collaborative (ROCC) are now known as .
You can receive specific help on assignments in your courses and general help in how to study for a particular subject, how to take a test, or more specifically, help to solve a particular type of problem.
No. Tutors are here to help you review and work through trouble spots. They can clarify and solidify your understanding of the concepts you learned in class or material presented in your textbook, but they are not teachers. Tutoring cannot make up for excessive class absences.
Tutors will not do your homework, class projects or take home tests.
The number of tutors is limited and you may have to wait if there are many students needing help. Tutors must limit the amount of time they can spend with each student so that everyone can receive assistance. Appointments can be made through .
Come to your tutoring sessions with a positive attitude and be prepared to actively participate. Bring all relevant materials such as textbooks, assignments, and notes. To get the maximum benefit from your tutoring session, study your textbook and class notes thoroughly and attempt assigned problems before seeking tutoring help. You should also have specific questions in mind to ask the tutor.
By asking you questions, the tutor is able to determine areas where you need help and to make sure you understand what they are telling you.
Communicate with your tutor and let them know they are going too fast or too slow. Ask them to explain the material a different way. Don't be afraid to say, "I still don't get it, can we try again?" If you continue to have difficulty, you may request another tutor if one is available.
Related Links
- ASC Home
- ASC Hours/ Locations
- In-Person Tutoring
- Online Tutoring
- ASC Resources
- ASC Staff/Tutors
- Tutoring FAQs
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