Drug/Alcohol Prevention Program
It is the policy of 51±¬ÁÏ that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, possession, use, or abuse of alcohol and illicit drugs on the Southwest Tennessee Community College campus, any off-campus site, and at any College functions at off-campus locations is strictly prohibited. All employees and students are subject to applicable federal, state, and local laws related to this matter. Additionally, any violation of this policy will result in disciplinary actions as set forth in Southwest Tennessee Community College Student Disciplinary Rules, Employment Policies and Procedures.
51±¬ÁÏ will impose the appropriate sanction(s) on any employee or student who fails to comply with the terms of this policy.
Employees - As a condition of continued employment, all employees must abide by the terms of this policy and must notify the Executive Director of Human Resources of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five days after such conviction. A conviction includes a finding of a federal judicial body. Upon receiving notice that an employee is in violation, or that an employee has been convicted of a violation of a criminal drug statute or alcohol abuse occurring on campus or as a part of College activities, the College will take appropriate disciplinary action against the employee. Any employee who fails to report a conviction will be subject to disciplinary sanctions. Disciplinary sanctions for failure to comply with this policy, including failure to notify of conviction, may include one or more of the following:
- Termination
- Suspension
- Mandatory participation and satisfactory completion of a drug/alcohol abuse program or rehabilitation program
- Recommended for Professional Counseling
- Referral for prosecution
- Letter of warning
- Probation
Students - As a condition of continued enrollment, students must abide by the terms of this policy and must notify the Vice President for Student Services and Enrollment Management of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring on the Southwest Tennessee Community College campus or at college functions at off-campus locations no later than five days after such conviction. A conviction includes a finding of guilt, a plea of nolo contendere, or imposition of a sentence by any state, local, or federal judicial body.
Upon receiving notice that a student is in violation of these procedures, or that said student has been convicted of a violation of a criminal drug statute or alcohol abuse occurring on campus or as a part of College activities, the College will take appropriate disciplinary action. Disciplinary sanction for failure to comply with this policy, including failure to notify of conviction, may include one or more of the following:
- Expulsion
- Suspension
- Mandatory participation and satisfactory completion of a drug/alcohol abuse program or rehabilitation program
- Recommendation to professional counseling
- Referral for prosecution
- Probation
- Warning
- Reprimand
Various federal, state, and local statutes make it unlawful to manufacture, distribute, dispense, deliver, sell, or possess with intent to manufacture, distribute, dispense, deliver, or sell controlled substances. The penalty imposed depends upon many factors, including the type and amount of the controlled substance involved, the number of prior offenses, if any, whether death or serious bodily injury resulted from the use of such substance, and whether any other crimes were committed in connection with the use of the controlled substance. Possible maximum penalties for a first-time violation include imprisonment for any period of time up to a term of life imprisonment, a fine of up to $4,000,000 if an individual, supervised release, any combination of the above, or all three. These sanctions are doubled when the offense involves either:
- the distribution or possession at or near a school or college campus, or
- distribution to persons under 21 years of age
Repeat offenders may be punished to a greater extent as provided by statute. Further, a civil penalty of up to $10,000 may be assessed for simple possession or "personal use amount" of certain specified substances under federal law. Under state law, the offense of possession or casual exchange is punishable as a Class A misdemeanor. If there is an exchange between a minor and an adult at least two years the minor's senior, and the adult knew that the person was a minor, the offense is classified as a felony as provided in T.C.A. 39-17-417. (21 U.S.C. 801, et. Seq.; T.C. A. 39-17-417)
It is unlawful for any person under the age of twenty-one (21) to buy, possess, or transport alcoholic beverages for any purpose unless it is in the course of employment. It is further an offense to provide alcoholic beverages to any person under the age of twenty-one (21). These offenses are classified as Class A misdemeanors (T.C.A. 39-15-404) and are punishable by imprisonment no greater than eleven (11) months and twenty-nine (29) days or a fine not to exceed two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) or both, unless otherwise provided by statute. The offense of public intoxication is a Class C misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment of not more than thirty (30) days or a fine of not more than $50, or both (T.C.A. 39-17-310).
Many health risks are associated with the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol, including organic damage; impairment of brain activity, digestion, and blood circulation; impairment of physiological processes and mental functioning; and physical and psychological dependence. Such use during pregnancy may cause spontaneous abortion, various birth defects, or fetal alcohol syndrome. Additionally, the illicit use of drugs increases the risk of contracting hepatitis, AIDS, and other infections. If used excessively, the use of alcohol or drugs singly or in certain combinations may cause death.
51±¬ÁÏ's Counseling Office has counselors on staff who are available to students and employees to discuss any drug and/or alcohol related referrals. Information concerning specific programs and activities may be obtained by referring to the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention program. Referrals may be made to the agencies listed below or individuals may contact the agency directly.
- Alcoholics Anonymous 901-454-1414
- Semmes Murphy Therapy Center 901-522-4900
- Lakeside Hospital Crisis Care 901-377-4733
- Cocaine Anonymous 901-725-5010
- Delta Medical Behavioral Health 901-369-8190
- Alcohol and Drug Outpatient Treatment Center 901-572-7208
- Memphis Recovery Center 901-272-7751
- Narcotics Anonymous 901-276-5483
- Alliance Health 901-369-1400
- St. Francis Hospital Behavioral Unit 901-765-1400
- Teen Challenge 901-272-2308
- Employee Assistance Program/Employees Benefits 800-253-9981
- Employee Assistance Program – Behavioral Health Benefits 855-437-3486
- VA Medical Center Alcohol & Drug Center 901-523-8990
- Whitehaven Southwest Mental Health Center 901-774-7811
- Shelby County Rape Crisis Center 901-222-4350
For the safety of everyone, all types of weapons are prohibited on campus. This includes but is not restricted to firearms, guns of any kind, ammunitions, explosives of any kind, bows and arrows of any kind, and knives over the legal limit. Anyone possessing or using any of these weapons may and will be subject to disciplinary action and possible arrest, according to local, state, and/or federal law. Full time employees who are trained, licensed, handgun carry permit holders, who are properly registered with the office of Public Safety can possess firearms on campus.
In the event that a situation arises either on or off campus, that, in the judgment of the Director of Police Services, constitutes an ongoing or continuing threat, a campus wide warning will be issued. Depending on the particular circumstances of the situation, the warning will be issued via email, campus closed circuit television, posting on bulletin boards and in classrooms or personally to Southwest staff and students.
Related Links
- Active Shooter Training
- Campus Handgun Concealed Carry Information
- Campus Safety Technician
- Clery Report
- Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program
- Emergency Information
- Emergency Management Plan
- Emergency Messaging System
- Emergency Phone Locations
- Fire Safety and Evacuation
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Map to Temporary Police Services Office on Macon
- Parking Decal
- Patrol Division
- RAVE Emergency Messaging System
- Safety Tips
- Traffic Appeals
- Traffic and Parking Regulations
- Video Assisted Escort/Parking
Contact Us
- Ernest A. Greenleaf, Executive Director of Police Services and Risk Management
- egreenleaf@southwest.tn.edu
- John E. Mitchell, Associate Director of Police Service/Public Safety
- jmitchell34@southwest.tn.edu