
Preparing for Test Day

Testing often brings anxiety. Below are some helpful tips to assist in reducing anxiety.

  • Get plenty of rest the night before the test.
  • Always eat a well-balanced meal before taking any exam. It is best to make a trip to the restroom prior to testing.
  • Dress comfortably and in a way that will allow you to be comfortable in a variety of temperatures.
  • Arrive approximately 15 minutes before the test is scheduled to begin. If possible, try to make a trip to visit Testing a day or two in advance to get an idea of the parking accommodations, a sense of the environment, and the location of the testing room. In the event you're running late the day of the test, this little precautionary measure will come in handy.
  • Listen carefully to the instructions given by the room supervisor to avoid needless errors.
  • Finally, read each question carefully and be conscious of your time.


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